Should you take vitamin D in the summer months?



Should you take supplements in the summer?

Vitamin D supplements are there to help us during the winter months when our bodies don’t make enough on their own. So do we still need to take vitamin D supplements in summer?




The answer is yes!

Even though we are basking in vitamin D-producing sunlight, it is still extremely important to continue to take vitamin D supplements for your overall health and wellbeing. Even during the hottest summers, some of us are lacking in the ‘sunshine vitamin’!



Why is vitamin D important?


Vitamin D (cholecalciferol) supports many of our body's important processes, including:

• Maintaining healthy teeth

• Improving strength of teeth and bones

• Heart function

• Muscle function

• Immune system support

Vitamin D does all this by enabling our bodies to absorb and use phosphorus and calcium - minerals which are essential to our body's maintenance and wellbeing.



Why am I not getting enough vitamin D in summer?


Just because the weather is sunny, it does not mean you will automatically be getting enough vitamin D. There are several reasons why you may still need to buy vitamin D supplements, despite the hot weather:

Sun protection - SPF actually stops your body from making vitamin D. Try to have a short break from using sunscreen during the day if possible.

Not enough exposure - If you are wearing long-sleeved clothing, with very little skin exposed, your body will not receive direct sunlight and therefore will not make enough vitamin D. Leaving areas of skin uncovered such as neck, forearms, hands or lower legs will help you receive more vitamin D.

Darker skin - If you have darker skin, you need to spend longer in the sun to see the vitamin D benefits.


Between 11am and 3pm, most people can make sufficient vitamin D by going out for short periods. Before 11am and after 3pm, it takes longer to synthesise sufficient vitamin D; however, the risk of sunburn is lower during these hours as well.


If you don't want to risk exposure to the sun, you can buy vitamin D supplements online, including high-strength vitamin D supplements, sports vitamin D, and organic vitamin D. If you want to buy vitamin D3 supplements for kids, try chewable vitamin D supplements!


How to get more vitamin D naturally? The sun!


It is a tricky balance getting enough vitamin D from the sun (our main source) whilst also protecting your skin from harmful UV rays.


NHS guidelines suggest that around 5-30 minutes in the sun with no sunscreen is enough to give you a good daily dose of vitamin D, although this is not exact. You should also remember that the lighter your skin, the more vitamin D your body will produce so you don't need to spend as much time in the sun (even though you may want to!).


Foods with vitamin D

Also, if you can't get vitamin D from the sun, here are some foods which are great for giving you your daily dose:

  • Meat (and meat products)
  • Fish and seafood
  • Vegetarian vitamin D options:
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products
  • Vegan vitamin D options:
  • Tofu
  • Soya milk
  • Almond milk
  • Fortified vegan yoghurt
  • Fortified orange juice
  • Fortified breakfast cereal
  • Fortified meat substitutes
  • Mushrooms


Vegan vitamin D options are also available. You can buy vegan supplements online, and with SunVit-D3 there is the option to buy vitamin D online with a range of products available for all your preferences.


We also provide for your whole family. We give you the option to buy vitamin D3 supplements for kids, vegan supplements for men, and you can buy vitamin D supplements for women.


Should I take vitamin D supplements all year?

To get your daily dose of vitamin D, it is a great idea to take vitamin D supplements all year round. According to the NHS, a minimum of 400iu is enough daily dose for most people.


Please check with your Health Practitioner first if you are on any kind of medication or have an underlying health condition.


Does vitamin D protect against Covid-19?

It's difficult to say if vitamin D protects against covid. Despite several trials trying to find a link, there still isn't enough evidence to say for certain.


However, Covid-19 has increased the need for vitamin D supplements. During the pandemic, when time outdoors was restricted, many of us were not getting our daily doses of vitamin D and saw a decrease in overall wellbeing as a result.


As vitamin D boosts the immune system, it is a good idea to maintain your vitamin D levels, particularly in the face of Covid-19. Even if you are vaccinated, it's still a good idea to give your immune system the extra support that vitamin D provides!


With so many options for vitamin D supplements, it has never been easier to get your daily dose. Try vitamin D gummies, vitamin D tablets or liquid vitamin D until you find the right product for you!



Vitamin D - Vitamins & Minerals | NHS

Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) | HSIS

Vitamin D | Healthy WA

Vitamin D Sources for Vegans & Vegetarians | Oldways

Covid-19 Vitamin Study | ScienceDirect

Trial to test if Vitamin D protects against Covid | BBC Health News

Vitamin D and Covid-19: Why the Controversy? | The Lancet


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